Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Empty Pot

Dear Friends,

     I think our April Book of the Month, "The Empty Pot", by Demi, is one of my favorite so far. Surprisingly, I did not know where the author was taking us with this little tale. But boy, is the final message loud and clear.
     Our main character, Ping is certainly a talented little boy. As I look out the window and watch our Allamanda gardeners coaxing vegetables into life, I respect Ping and his ability to do the same with beautiful flowers. And then it is all put on the line. It is a chance of a lifetime; to be emperor. We see Ping question himself, doubt himself, and humble himself. Finally, truth wins out.
   Some of us have recently been talking about telling the truth, honestly, and our children. Sadly, some will lie or manipulate to get what they want, or to protect themselves. "The Empty Pot" opens the door to some very important conversations about integrity, character, and right versus wrong; perseverance, courage and honesty. The ultimate lesson, of course, is to be true yourself and you can't lose!

Look how some classes are celebrating the book: