Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Gratitude Soup

          Lots of thoughts come to mind when we think of the month of November. But at the top of most lists will be Thanksgiving. Close your eyes and you can conjure up family, good food, and holiday traditions. "Gratitude Soup" by Olivia Rosewood, our November Book of the Month, fits right in!
         Research shows that whether you write weekly in a gratitude journal or share your gratitude in other ways, the benefits are many. Better health, less anxiety, higher levels of optimism, and sounder sleep are reported. Certainly a worthwhile reason to share this book with everyone!
       You will notice that the writing style has changed in this Book of the Month. That's another great class topic or discussion. Was it effective? Why? I am not sure why but I can almost smell the soup cooking!
      Before reading this wonderful book, think about gratitude. Have everyone take some quiet time to think of the may things they are grateful for; both big and small. After sharing the story, make your own class gratitude soup. Enjoy the delicious aroma and wonderful feelings a great pot of soup gives us all! 

Gratefully Yours

Look how some classes celebrated the book: 


  1. I am grateful to work at such a great school, with a fantastic set of teachers, and coworkers!

  2. You have such an interesting blog. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading your posts. All the best for your future blogging journey.

  3. After reading Gratitude Soup with my students, we discussed what Gratitude means to us. My students equate Gratitude with what they have in their possession. We made our own Gratitude soup on a White board and discussed all of the things we have whether they are toys or family. Very cute book!

    1. The last post was from Mr. Pugatch's Class!

  4. We read the book together and explained what “Gratitude” meant. With my class I used the word ‘thankful”. First, my students wrote down all the things they are thankful for. Their immediate answers were,” IPad”, “computer”, “muffins,” and so on. So we had to talk about our priorities and asked about mom and dad, brother and sister and they agreed. Next, we put all the things they are thankful for in a “soup pot“in our class. Then, we went to the cafeteria and put the things they are thankful for in our big Allamanda soup pot. Last, Mrs. Lopez and I are very grateful to work at our beautiful school.

  5. Check out this website: http://www.spreadinggratituderocks.com/#!video/c23o4
